On September 23rd we hosted a financial seminar in collaboration with LGT Wealth Management where we invited our clients to Scarborough Rugby Club.
The seminar discussed all things investment, helping them understand the process, how it all works behind the scenes and the current market situation.
We had three guest speakers, our Managing Director Paul and a big thank you to Phoebe & Henry from LGT Wealth Management.
We’ve had great feedback already from clients, “Thank you for putting on a very informative presentation today, the guest speakers Henry and Phoebe were also very well informed and it was good to understand more of how the investment works and where”.
Keep a look out for our next seminars, as we look forward to holding more events like this in the future.
For financial advice, feel free to give us a call 01723378234 or email enquiries@moneyweb-ifa.com – We’ll be happy to help!